Meme Funny if I Still Tolerate Men That Means

True or true: Men will tolerate a lot from a girl if she is a 10/10?


Not only will they tolerate it, but they will pursue her in every way possible? True or true?

True or true: Men will tolerate a lot from a girl if she is a 10/10?

Most Helpful Guys

  • MrOracle

    True of some people, sure. But in most cases, that won't last, even though it may be true at first. Even the most beautiful, attractive person can become ugly if they behave badly - eventually, you stop caring about the outside and start caring more about the "inside" - their attitude, behavior, morals, values, etc.

    Very attractive people have an easier time getting "in the door" - making something they want happen initially - but whether they can sustain it or not is much less affected by their outer attractiveness.

    Brad Pitt cheated on Jennifer Aniston (very attractive) and Angelina Jolie (very attractive to many), among others, Tiger Woods cheated on his hot Swedish model wife, and a thousand other examples I could name you. Marilyn Monroe was cheated on. Tons of Playboy Playmates have been cheated on, or dumped.

    Once the "honeymoon period" ends, the tolerance for bullshit starts to go down.

    • Anonymous

      I think it's once you get to know the person beyond their appearance

  • drsatan

    True, but only for so long.

    If she's hot but stupid or mean, I'll still try to bang her, but if it doesn't happen after a while, I'll just forget her. If it does happen, even then, I'd only have my way with her a few times before I feel she's been fully conquered and will move on to another.

    It's not something worth being envious or jealous about 🙂

    • Anonymous

      I am the perfect ten and my boyfriend lets me treat him like shit. He says I'm "the whole package"

    • drsatan

      Maybe you got yourself a good chump who will put up with your shit as long as you stay pretty, but most guys will get sick of a bad attitude sooner or later. Yes, we will put up with a lot for a pretty face and hot body, especially if we get to fuck that hot body, but most will only put up with it for so long before the novelty of fucking said hot body wears off. Then we will just find another hot body to fuck, maybe one that's attached to someone who isn't a dickhead, but it's not essential 😉

    • Anonymous

      You're not understanding. I am THE WHOLE PACKAGE, meaning I am the perfect face, sexy body, tits, ass, feminine, confident, intelligent, educated and career driven, affectionate etc etc.

      Boyfriend is letting me get away with A LOT because of my traits

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Sbgirl

    Some guys who are desperate for the sex might.
    But most of the time, no. Most men aren't stupid. A girl who looks a 10 at first, but shows her ugly personality will seriously start downgrading and she won't look so good anymore.
    Even if a guy loved the sex, there has to come a point where they actually just think I don't want to put up with your crap anymore. I am pretty sure most guys would prefer maybe a 7-8 (or even lower) with a sweet and loving personality. That kind of women will be the most beautiful to them.

  • Anonymous

    Very very true for a lot of men. But false for others!

    Or lets say, they will wait longer before calling it quits. I've known women who do the craziest things and they get away with it because he thinks she's super hot. The guy will just complain. But tbh, some guys like the drama. They say they don't but a pattern of dramatic bs usually points to another source - himself.

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  • IlyaTheImpaler

    It's a give and take dynamic. If the 10/10 chick is nice towards them, they might tolerate more negative qualities yes, but the key is, even if she treats others like trash she has to make these men feel like they are a special case. If the same chick shows these men they have no hope of getting with her, she'd better prepare for harsher treatments than the average chicks. I've seen this scenario plays out so many times lol.

  • JSmuve

    True. Over a lot of guys, the pussy gives you power. The hotter she is, the more she has. But when you age, that power diminishes and fewer guys will put up with that shit. And she has to put out as well. Otherwise, its like buying a Ferrari and never driving it.

  • Anonymous

    I don't think that's always true. I'm in love with my best friend who is dating a 1 in the looks department. She's ugly, fat, sloppy, and has a horrible, controlling rude bitchy personality and yet he bends over backwards for her. She treats him like a doormat and he puts up with it.

  • Anonymous

    Every guy is different. Also depends on what he wants and his intentions. You've made this about looks, so assuming a guy is only after sex from her and no feelings are involved, some might tolerate for a little while. But every guy is different. And only for so long if they do.

    • Anonymous

      What if she is "the whole package"? Will he then definitely let her get away with things?

  • alexsa

    Well that's true. My husband let me get away with a loooot of things I did. I was getting on his nerves so eventually he ran out of patience and lost his temper completely.🙄

  • Finchie40

    False , just cuz she is hot I wouldn't tolerate being treated like shit , she has to have a great personality as well to rate her a 10

  • HerLucidNightt

    True. But definitely not forever. Everyone snaps at one point or another.

  • ItsTheNephilim

    If she's a 10/10 then she can't be someone who needs to be 'tolerated'.

    • Anonymous

      Did you read someone else's comment?

    • ItsTheNephilim


  • JustRollTheDice

    I mean it's not wrong but hopefully there's a breaking point

  • ThiccNigro

    10s don't exist but yeah, some dudes will be a little more tolerant of a pretty girl as opposed to an ugly one

    • Anonymous

      Yes they do. I'm living proof

    • Anonymous

      Also many many celebrities are perfect 10s. You're probably on the homosexual side hence why you can't see it.

    • ThiccNigro

      Lmao okay anon

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  • chriscdi

    that is true, i normally have more patience for women in general, i think a 10/10 would no lie give me more patience

    Like 1 Person

  • Truthatanycost

    Simps will tolerate a lot from a girl regardless, but men will not tolerate a thing no matter what she looks like.

    Like 1 Person

  • fred_durst

    Only weak man do that
    Also to me 10/10 woman is not possibly exist.

    • Anonymous

      Stop reading other people's comments hahah!

  • Skrew

    Reading your replies to others comments? You sound like a word that I'm pretty sure I can't say on here but aside from that It's not true at all ,

    • Anonymous

      Another useless commenter

  • Anonymous

    yeah some guys will throw it ALL away for a 10/10 .

  • blutwolfe

    only a 10/10 personality, as long as she's average or better could care less about looks

    Like 1 Person

  • FlutteringFeelings

    Yuppp, a guy at my job even gave me an example.

  • spartan55

    This chick is such a troll...😂 😂

  • NewZion

    Guys without any got damn pride do.

    • Anonymous

      They like what they like

    • NewZion

      No person or organization is worth being a doormat for.

    • Anonymous

      I agree but some people won't

  • Numbnuts89

    Nope, if she's lyin', I don't want to know her

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